"I dig compost.
I dig it the most."
Shit makes makes stuff grow better.
As one of my garden mentors tactfully pointed out, there's a big difference between dirt and soil. Dirt is dirty. Soil take skills to craft and years to build.
Here at Voss Gardens, dense clay and high mineral content in the water create the terroir that makes our vegetables taste so robust, but it is a constant challenge to bring rich texture and fertility into the soil that produces the produce. The horses next door contribute grandly to the cause with manure we haul uphill and matters getting wasted in the kitchen and garden devotedly lend their dynamic decay to the heap.
Back from my foray into the foods of the Heartland, I returned to find a little village of volunteers camped out in my compost on the back 40 - pumpkins, tomatoes and sunflowers. The sturdy plants have found a home in ground that hasn't been watered in over a month. They are flowering and will soon bear fruit! Growing up without me, warms my green heart... Let's hear it for the pile!
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