Monday, July 2
harvest for chef
cut back rustic arugula, Long Bed
cut back sorrel, Magnolia Bed,Top Beds
Tuesday, July 3
clean up morning, Top Beds, cut back bulbs, ivy, oleander, bay
turn and amend Top Bed for lettuce planting
harvest first kolrabi,snip off flowers of cilantro
take down peas, Bed 2, turn and amend for planting
start Romanesco zukes in 6 packs
Darryl here fixing irrigation, clean up, take home volunteer lambs quarters
Wednesday, July 4
got gopher in kolrabi
Thursday, July 5
planting salad for wedding reception, Sept. 1
seed plant lettuce, sassy mix
, shaker method, on top, cover
seed plant lettuce, last of Valentine mix in Bed 2, cover
seed plant tuscan kale, home seed, 1 row/Bed 2, cover
seed plant arugula, Bed 1-between artichokes, Edge2-between onions and cukes, cover
scatter arugula seed under sunflowers, Kitchen Bed, no cover
thin arugula in lower Cherry Bed, plant out in upper Cherry Bed
plant bamboo grass under new stairs where it leaks
Saturday, July7
houseguests, harvest first beans, yellow and green haricot vert
Monday, July 9
harvest for chef, first kolrabi, celery
first tomato! Stupice
Tuesday, July 10
plant out parsley starts in Long Bed
seed start in 6 packs, 4 kinds of Kale, all season broccoli and year round cauliflower
Wednesday, July 11
very hot, Randall here, cut back wisteria, plant kiwis
shuffle around water systems off kitchen
Thursday, July 12
still hot, tinkering with sprinklers
clean up flower beds, thin out arugula in Kitchen Bed and replant
Friday, July 13
thin arugula in Edge 2 and Cherry Beds, plant thinnings into Experimental Bed
Sunday, July 14
take down last of English peas, saving seed
gopher got pumpkin in Sam Bed, grrrrrr
keeping up with watering new starts
Monday, July 15
harvest for chef
landscape area between Scott and Sam Beds
plant out Opal basil in pots, in Kitchen Bed and cloche
plant our Thai basil in pots, cloche on deck
plant out 2nd rotation of Romanesco Zucchinis, Gabe Bed right
fertilized 1st rotation of zukes with fish a few days ago, resulted in lots of male flowers and no fruit, thinking I should have used a blooming fertilizer...
Tuesday, July 16
still coldish and foggy mornings
seed start 2 lettuce mixes in shady and wet areas, Edge 2, Wall 2, Long Bed, Top, no cover
2nd planting of beans (Blue Lake, Green and Yellow Harc, Purple bush) 4" pots on deck, no cover
start dog intervention
go over boardwalk way with Jimmy
seed plant cilantro inbetween parsley in Long Bed
replant Russian kale, direct seed into barren six packs
Wednesday, July 17
all about pest control, flies in the house, trapped 2 gophers
Friday, July 20
thin Tuscan Kale seedlings (home seed) in Bed 2, transplant into 1/2 gallon pots, leave in potting shed
clean Rustic Arugula (home seed), broadcast between flowers in big pots on bedroom deck
Monday, July 23
Harvest for chef
thin arugula in Edge 2 and Bed 2
Am in NYC For Granny Duty until August 6