Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Hot Sweet Dressing for Cold Bitter Greens

 Chicory, radicchio, endive, frisee, escarole, dandelions, arugula, Oh My!

Late winter/early spring greens are hitting their stride. Our mountain grown varieties take in the robustness of the mineral terroir and eclectic weather patterns that beget them. Once a taste for bitter salad is acquired its hard to go back.

Bored with Meyer Lemon dressings and ever ready to try new things, the idea of a sweet and slightly wilted bitter green salad tickled my fancy. So I researched a bit and concocted this melange of  savory sweetness to lift bitter greens to an alluring respectability.

3 T rice vinegar
3 T olive oil
3 T apricot jam (or whatever jam your fridge begets)
1/2 t chopped thyme
1 t chopped rosemary
1 T green garlic
salt and pepper to taste

using mortar and pestle (or improvise you guys) make a paste with green garlic
add vinegar to paste, keep pasting, set aside
Heat oil in skillet, add herbs, cook 2 minutes until they frizzle
stir in garlic/vinegar paste and jam, heat 1 minute or so, until dissolved
salt and pepper to taste
remove from heat and dress bitter greens immediately, let wilt slightly
top with toasted slivered almonds and feta

harvest for chef
clean up kale, aphids abound
thin arugula, red mizuna, brassica micro mix, radishes
thin out beets and transplant
shop for seeds
hunker down for 4 days of rain

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